Business Lists

The largest database of approximately 2.2 million UK business addresses selectable by classification. (similar to Yellow Pages/Thomson) e.g. Accountants, Solicitors, Hairdressers, Opticians etc. This is directory type data and provides excellent coverage of most organisations in the UK, of which you can target by postcode area or county. This database is updated continuously and we can guarantee a minimum of 95% accuracy on company details.

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Mailing Lists UK Business Classification Breakdown

Classification Records Sector
T Shirt Printers 957 Printing Trade Services
Tableware 221 Household
Tableware Manufacturers 191 Leisure and General Goods
Tai Chi 205 Leisure and Entertainment Services
Tailors Manufacturing 379 Textile Trade Services
Tailors Repairs & Alterations 1302 Textile Trade Services
Tailors Retail 715 Clothing and Accessories
Take Away Food 26694 Hotels and Restaurants
Tank Cleaning & Servicing 80 Cleaning Equipment
Tank Suppliers & Installers 127 Metal Merchants
Tank, Vat & Cistern Makers 175 Metal Products
Tanning 1380 Personal Services
Tape & Webbing-Woven 338 Textiles - General Products
Tapes - Adhesive & Industrial 204 Adhesives, Dyes and Paints
Taps & Dies 228 Tools
Tar & Pitch Suppliers 138 Building Supplies - Traders
Tarpaulin Manufacturers 163 Clothing and Coverings
Tarpaulins - Hire & Retail 88 Household
Tatto 1274 Personal Services
Tattoo Removal 222 Personal Services
Tax Advisers 1390 Financial
Taxi Meters 74 Measuring and Control Instruments
Taxidermists 115 Livestock Services
Taxis & Private Hire Vehicles 14221 Transport and Travel Services
Tea and Coffee SpeciaList Shops 592 Food and Drink
Tea Chest Dealers 103 Scrap and Waste
Tea Importers & Merchants 292 Food and Drink Wholesalers
Technical Writers 469 Advertising and Design
Teddy Bears 135 Garden and Leisure
Telecommunication Consultants 809 Communications and Equipment
Telecommunication Engineers 360 Communications and Equipment
Telecommunication equipment 1313 Communications and Equipment
Telecommunication Services 1787 Office and General Services
Telegram & Greetings Services 123 Information
Telemarketing 1068 Advertising and Design
Telephone Answering & Messaging Services Bus 149 Office and General Services
Telephone Answering Machines 315 Office and Computer Equipment
Telephone Service 99 Office and General Services
Telephone Shops 257 Household
Telex Machines 109 Communications and Equipment
Temperature Control equipment Manufacturers B 56 Measuring and Control Instruments
Tennis Court Makers 31 Leisure and General Goods
Tennis Courts 221 Leisure Places
Testing equipment 438 Measuring and Control Instruments
Textile Accessories 131 Textile Trade Services
Textile Agents 424 Textile Wholesalers
Textile Engineers 184 Textile Trade Services
Textile Machinery 107 Textile Trade Services
Textile Machinery Accessories 37 Textile Trade Services
Textile Manufacturers 763 Textiles - General Products
Textile Merchants 1055 Textile Wholesalers
Textile Printers 235 Textile Trade Services
Textile Services 135 Metal Working
Textile Warehousemen-wholesalers 134 Textile Wholesalers
Textile Waste 222 Textiles - General Products
Thatching 460 Builders and Building Contractors
Theatres & Concert Halls 1140 Leisure Places
Theatrical & Variety Agents 285 Leisure and Entertainment Services
Theatrical Companies 801 Leisure and Entertainment Services
Theatrical Services 148 Leisure and Entertainment Services
Theatrical Supplies 375 Leisure and Entertainment Services
Therapists 748 Medical Services
Thermal Imaging 133 Security Equipment
Thermometers 48 Measuring and Control Instruments
Ticket Agencies 68 Leisure and Entertainment Services
Ticket Printers & Machines 191 Printing
Tie & Scarf Manufacturers & Suppliers Busines 109 Clothing and Coverings
Tile Manufacturers & Suppliers 2016 Building Supplies - Manufacturers
Tilers 3484 Interior Building Services
Timber Engineers 116 Forestry and Timber
Timber Frame Buildings 350 Building Supplies - Manufacturers
Timber Importers & Agents 253 Forestry and Timber
Timber Merchants 1639 Forestry and Timber
Time Recorders & Systems 147 Precision Goods and Equipment
Tinplate 189 Metal Producers
Titanium & Zirconium Products 49 Metal Products
Toastmasters 188 Leisure and Entertainment Services
Tobacco Importers & Manufacturers 93 Tobacco
Tobacconists Retail 161 News, Confectionery and Tobacco
Tobacconists-wholesalers 84 Tobacco
Toilet Paper Manufacturers 143 Paper and Printed Products
Toilets Portable 370 Building Supplies - Manufacturers
Toll Bridges 61 Transport and Travel Services
Tool & Cutter Grinding 415 Tools
Tool Dealers wholesalers 147 Building Supplies - Traders
Tool Grinding Industrial 212 Tools
Tool Manufacturers & Suppliers 689 Tools
Tool Manufacturers Carbon Tip 35 Tools
Tool Steel Manufacturers 179 Tools
Toolmakers 614 Tools
Torches & Flashlights 144 Sound and Lighting
Tour Operators 1552 Leisure Places
Tourist Attractions 1427 Leisure Places
Tourist Information Centres 1083 Information
Tourist Information Services 201 Information
Tours & Sightseeing 231 Leisure Places
Tow Bars 269 Vehicle Equipment and Accessories
Towel Supplies 130 Cleaning Services
Toy & Game Manufacturers & Importers 473 Leisure and General Goods
Toy & Game wholesalers 301 Merchants and Wholesalers
Toy Shops 1421 Garden and Leisure
Trade Mark Agents 332 Legal
Trade Unions 952 Business Organisations and Consultants
Trading Estates 272 Business Organisations and Consultants
Traffic Consultants 178 Transport and Travel Services
Traffic Control equipment 78 Measuring and Control Instruments
Trailer Hire 82 Hire Services
Trailer Manufacturers & Suppliers 670 Vehicle Manufacture
Train Information & Companies 647 Transport and Travel Services
Training Services 9447 Education
Transfer Manufacturers 198 Printing Trade Services
Transformer Manufacturers 157 Electric Components and Equipment
Translators & Interpreters 2335 Office and General Services
Transparent Packaging 309 Packaging
Transport Consultants 348 Transport and Travel Services
Travel Agents & Tour Operators 8662 Transport and Travel Services
Travel Agents Business & Commercial 359 Transport and Travel Services
Travel Clinics 162 Medical Services
Tree Work 3423 Forestry and Timber
Trimmings 209 Textiles - General Products
Trophies, Medals & Rosettes 738 Leisure and General Goods
Tube & Section Manipulators 175 Metal Working
Tube Manufacturers Paper & Cardboard 37 Packaging
Tug & Barge Owners 194 Shipping and Marine
Tungsten Products 180 Metal Products
Turbo Chargers 114 Garages and Vehicle Services
Turf & Soil Supplies 472 Agricultural Producers
Turfing Services 426 Nurseries and Gardens
Turned Parts Precision 40 Metal Products
Turntables Industrial 192 Industrial Equipment and Machinery
Tutoring 1958 Education
TV & Radio Manufacturers & Suppliers 329 Electric Consumer Goods
TV & Radio Monitoring Services 44 TV and Radio
TV & Video Rental 387 Hire Services
TV, DVD, Video & Radio Shops 1014 Household
TV, Film & Video Production Services 3933 Film and Photographic
TV, Video & Radio Components 94 Electric Components and Equipment
TV, Video & Radio Servicing 2566 Repairs and Servicing
Typesetters 451 Printing Trade Services
Typewriters 156 Office Equipment
Tyre Distributors & Dealers 5687 Garages and Vehicle Services
Tyre Manufacturers & wholesalers 282 Rubber
Tyre Recycling & Disposal 71 Scrap and Waste
Tyre Repair & Retreading 227 Garages and Vehicle Services
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Mailing Lists UK Ltd is a trading division of List Bank Ltd. Registered in England No 05602389. VAT 924283621