Business Lists

The largest database of approximately 2.2 million UK business addresses selectable by classification. (similar to Yellow Pages/Thomson) e.g. Accountants, Solicitors, Hairdressers, Opticians etc. This is directory type data and provides excellent coverage of most organisations in the UK, of which you can target by postcode area or county. This database is updated continuously and we can guarantee a minimum of 95% accuracy on company details.

Licence Options

  1. Single Use - Mailshot campaign

  2. Single Campaign Use - Mailshot & Telemarketing

  3. 12-Month Unlimited Use

  4. Eternal

Not all information is available to purchase on all four types and licences offered for each individual database should be checked.

Data Content

There are no standard amounts of information provided under each licence type. Depending on the marketing method you have chosen you need to check with us whether the information provided is included for free under that particular licence agreement.

Mailing Lists UK Business Classification Breakdown

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Accountants 13317
Accounting & Book Keeping Services 5090
Auditors 259
Banks & Financial Institutions 12795
Banks / Overseas Representative Offices Busin 64
Building Societies 1969
Bullion Dealers 384
Bureaux de Change 478
Cheque Cashing 465
Credit & Finance Companies 1867
Credit Cards & Discount Cards 73
Credit Investigation Services 144
Credit Unions 180
Debt Adjustment & Management 169
Debt Advice & Counselling 357
Debt Collectors 596
E-Commerce 242
Exchanges 110
Finance Brokers 712
Financial Advisers - Tied Agents 10760
Financial Trade Services 676
Fund Raising Services 448
Inventory Services 113
Investment & Trust Companies 278
Investment Consultants 313
Leasing Companies 99
Loans 244
Mortgages 5692
Stockbrokers 195
Tax Advisers 1390
Venture Capital 173
Visa Services 117
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Copyright © 2024 Mailing Lists UK
Charter House, Latham Close, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 2SD Telephone 0161 406 5982
Mailing Lists UK Ltd is a trading division of List Bank Ltd. Registered in England No 05602389. VAT 924283621